During International Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder Awareness Day Thursday, a number of events have been planned in Prince George
The aim is to raise awareness of the dangers of drinking during pregnancy and the challenges faced by those who live with FASD.
It's always held on the ninth day of the ninth month to honour the nine months of pregnancy.
Events planned on Sept. 9 by the Northern Family Health Society are as follows.
*Pregnant Pause at 9:09 a.m. will feature participants freezing in motion for one minute to simulate the pause from alcohol use during pregnancy. Participants will have balloons under their shirts to make them appear pregnant to generate interest and conversation about supporting women pausing from alcohol during pregnancy.
*Bag Decorating Campaign. A number of liquor stores will use bags decorated by community children and youth for liquor purchases.
*Structured for Success program is holding a public pancake breakfast and FASD awareness event from 8 to 11 a.m. at Family Resource Centre. Panels, presentations and information booths will be featured.
*FASD Day planning committee will launch a slogan contest. Contest information will be at the events, AiMHi, Northern Family Health Society and at Structured for Success. Submissions will be accepted in these locations from Sept. 9 to Oct. 9.