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Air quality lens focuses on industrial growth locations

Isle Pierre, a potential heavy-industrial site west of the city, is the area that appears to have the lowest air quality impacts on Prince George, a consultant's report prepared for the Fraser-Fort George Regional District shows.

Isle Pierre, a potential heavy-industrial site west of the city, is the area that appears to have the lowest air quality impacts on Prince George, a consultant's report prepared for the Fraser-Fort George Regional District shows.

Clear Lake, also west of Prince George, is the next most favorable heavy-industrial site, followed by the Hart North area, north of Prince George, says the report prepared by Vancouver-based RWDI Air Inc., which was released this week.

Heavy industry includes enterprises like pulp mills, oil refineries and steel mills.

The regional district hired the consultant a year ago to determine the air quality impacts of development on parcels of land it had already identified as suitable for development in a study from 2002, more recently updated to include light to medium industry. In the updated profile, a 3,000-hectare area of land about 30 kilometres north of Prince George, called Hart North, was identified as the best area for industrial development.

But it is the Isle Pierre site which air quality modeling shows "seems to have the least impact on the City of Prince George and therefore is considered the most favourable heavy industrial site from an air quality perspective," the RWDI concluded in its 63-page report.

See Saturday's Citizen for more.