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Prince George homes stay above $450,000

Prince George homes stay above $450,000

Average price rises just $331 during third quarter
Hootsuite taps new CFO after 19-month search

Hootsuite taps new CFO after 19-month search

Eighty per cent of Hootsuite’s C-suite now based in U.S.
Canadian-owned company offers the easiest and safest way to buy bitcoin in Canada

Canadian-owned company offers the easiest and safest way to buy bitcoin in Canada

Netcoins takes the mystery out of buying and selling cryptocurrencies
BC RCMP facing increasing pressures but with fewer resources: National Police Federation

BC RCMP facing increasing pressures but with fewer resources: National Police Federation

No matter the conditions across the province, be it wildfire emergency response, handling a cultural or social issue with diplomacy, or routine patrol, RCMP officers are here for you
The ins and outs of consumer-to-consumer shopping

The ins and outs of consumer-to-consumer shopping

People are turning their unused clothing and beauty products into a money-making endeavour.
B.C. wood pellets fuel clean power initiative in U.K.

B.C. wood pellets fuel clean power initiative in U.K.

Net neutrality "highly feedstock dependent" says expert
Sawmills will bounce back by fall, market watchers predict

Sawmills will bounce back by fall, market watchers predict

American housing market expected to remain robust on strength of millennials
Canfor tenure sale approved

Canfor tenure sale approved

Forest tenure transfer to facilitate construction of new wood pellet plant in Fort Nelson
Blackwater gold mine gets early works permit

Blackwater gold mine gets early works permit

Permit allows for site preparation and land clearing
Flush with cash, West Fraser to offer share buyback

Flush with cash, West Fraser to offer share buyback

Recorded cash and equivalents of US$.1.4 billion for first quarter; will use 'modified Dutch auction'