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City in talks with Community Arts Council to create Arts Hall of Fame Award

CAC to add Arts Hall of Fame Award to its 2024 strategic planning exercise
Trudy Klassen
City Councillor Trudy Klassen.

In September, Prince George City Coun. Trudy Klassen put forward a motion directing administration to invite the Community Arts Council to work together to establish an Arts Hall of Fame Award.

The award would include holding an event recognizing the inductees and establishing a recognition board in a visible location in City Hall and if appropriate, in a civic building dedicated to the arts.

Administration has since met with representatives from the Community Arts Council (CAC) to review this direction and to discuss the potential for their organization to participate in this endeavor.

A report back to city council states the CAC expressed interest and willingness to add this to their 2024 strategic planning exercise.

The CAC also acknowledged that if they decide to formally explore this opportunity, they would likely seek required additional resources.

City administration expressed willingness to provide spaces and assistance with installations at City Hall and other possible civic facilities.

Administration will now follow up with the CAC early in 2024 after their strategic planning session to further explore their interest and ability to take this project on, and will report back to council.