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Claire Nielsen: Reclaiming health

Claire Nielsen: Reclaiming health

If you feel old and feel like you are on a downhill slide, please stop and consider what you could do to shift this.
Claire Nielsen: Allergies are the sneaky epidemic

Claire Nielsen: Allergies are the sneaky epidemic

Allergies sneak up on us and if ignored or tolerated over the years, can have a cumulative negative effect on our health.
Claire Nielsen: Gallbladder plays huge role in our digestive health

Claire Nielsen: Gallbladder plays huge role in our digestive health

Without our gallbladder not only do we have increased risk of digestive issues, but may have a greater risk of developing fatty liver
Claire Nielsen: A few common reasons for weight gain

Claire Nielsen: A few common reasons for weight gain

Weight gain is normal at any age, especially if we don’t have a healthy lifestyle involving proper nutrition, adequate exercise, hydration, a stress reduction practice and enough sleep.
Claire Nielsen: Our psyches and media violence

Claire Nielsen: Our psyches and media violence

 It is incredulous to me that, when other parts of the world are dealing with real-life horrific experiences, our western culture is addicted to artificial violence to stimulate the adrenaline rush.
Claire Nielsen: Plant-Based diets work for high-performance athletes

Claire Nielsen: Plant-Based diets work for high-performance athletes

The Netflix documentary The Game Changers, produced by Arnold Schwarzenegger, has really educated me into the scientific benefits of cutting meat out of our diets, especially for peak athletic performance.
Claire Nielsen: Why do some people take everything personally?

Claire Nielsen: Why do some people take everything personally?

It is our responsibility to notice what we are thinking, and to own that this is our perception based on our own deep beliefs.
Claire Nielsen: Addictions take many shapes and forms

Claire Nielsen: Addictions take many shapes and forms

Addictions are considered disorders of the mind involving chemicals (endorphins, dopamine and adrenaline) and the function of brain circuits concerning reward, stress, and self-control. 
Claire Nielsen: Food as medicine can have powerful benefits

Claire Nielsen: Food as medicine can have powerful benefits

Food can hurt and food can heal, and eating an anti-inflammatory diet should always be considered.
Claire Nielsen: Smoothies a great way to start the day

Claire Nielsen: Smoothies a great way to start the day

Breaking my night-time fast (break-fast) with a meal that is easy to digest and full of nutrients makes sense to me.