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Off-leash dog hit with machete near Coombs was acting aggressively: police

Off-leash dog hit with machete near Coombs was acting aggressively: police

Oceanside RCMP say a couple walking on a nearby trail struck the dog with a machete after it bit one on the leg
Vancouver Island University board cancels its music programs in vote

Vancouver Island University board cancels its music programs in vote

The music department chair says the department has been told it will offer music electives to other students in the university, though no clear plan has been provided.
London Drug ransom demand dropped from dark-web site; meaning unclear

London Drug ransom demand dropped from dark-web site; meaning unclear

In some cases, such a move has meant the ransomware victim has agreed to pay or negotiate, an expert says. London Drugs said Tuesday it is “unwilling and unable to pay ransom to these cybercriminals.” 
London Drugs begins 'gradual reopening' of stores after cybersecurity incident

London Drugs begins 'gradual reopening' of stores after cybersecurity incident

Its stores have been closed since a cyberattack was reported on April 28.
Elephant seal shuts down section of Beach Drive in Oak Bay

Elephant seal shuts down section of Beach Drive in Oak Bay

Fisheries officers were en route to help corral the 500-pound creature, and the road will be reopened once Emerson is safe, police said.
'Everybody is exhausted': UVic unions speak out against budget cuts

'Everybody is exhausted': UVic unions speak out against budget cuts

A letter presented to Post-Secondary Education Minister Lisa Beare expressed concern about an estimated $13-million operating-budget cut that could see more than 100 positions eliminated
Too famous for his own good, Emerson might need to be moved away from selfie-seeking fans

Too famous for his own good, Emerson might need to be moved away from selfie-seeking fans

Fisheries agency says it has received reports of people getting their dogs and even their children to approach the elephant seal, putting both them and the animal at risk.
Emerson the elephant seal back in town just days after being relocated

Emerson the elephant seal back in town just days after being relocated

The elephant seal has been relocated several times but keeps returning to Greater Victoria.
Relocated celebrity seal has possibly returned to the Gorge

Relocated celebrity seal has possibly returned to the Gorge

An incredible feat if Emerson has returned so soon, officials says
Cougar sighted in Saanich backyard near Marigold Park

Cougar sighted in Saanich backyard near Marigold Park

No reports of further sightings on Saturday.