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Where has the empathy gone?

I find it difficult to express my extreme dissatisfaction with the pictures corresponding to the Oak Street incident on the front page of the Aug. 16 paper. I was so repulsed by the graphic photos I immediately threw the paper in the trash.

I find it difficult to express my extreme dissatisfaction with the pictures corresponding to the Oak Street incident on the front page of the Aug. 16 paper. I was so repulsed by the graphic photos I immediately threw the paper in the trash.

I never knew the victim but that should not matter.

He had a story, a life, and people who cared about him.

Where has the empathy gone? Last time I checked it was completely inappropriate to show a lack of respect for the deceased.

I am disgusted by the thought that a Citizen photographer could justify the taking of those pictures, let alone the employees who deemed them front-page material.

The media has often remarked upon the fact that today's society is desensitized to violence. I am 19 years old and in the process of completing a university degree.

My generation is the one who grew up watching explicit violence on TV yet I find myself reminding The Citizen staff that the real world operates far differently from a crime show.

The victim's death was treated with a sense of detachment that is revolting. The loss of life is not a trifle and should not be treated as such.

It is safe to say that the citizen has lost one subscriber because of this incident.

C. Lion

Prince George