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What about our lousy sidewalks?

I wish to address the people who are supposed to maintain our sidewalks and walkways.

I wish to address the people who are supposed to maintain our sidewalks and walkways. Why have they not been re-paved in the last 30 years?

Pushing a stroller on the horribly cracked and damaged sidewalk, with weeds through the cracks, is painful on the back for me because I have a back injury. So I use the bike lane as the pavement there is nice and smooth and I can push my children down the road with ease.

It's no wonder why you see disabled individuals in their power chair on the road all the time, their chair may get stuck, or hit a bump or pothole and tip over.

The sidewalks are so bad that I wonder if the city even knows they exist. The roads are re-paved every year, what about our sidewalks don't they deserve some TLC.

Tina Steppler

Prince George