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Two wheels good, four wheels bad

Riding in to work this morning during my morning commute I happened to venture outside the designated bike lane. For a few seconds, I rode just to the left of the white line to avoid a large cluster of broken glass followed by two parked vehicles.

Riding in to work this morning during my morning commute I happened to venture outside the designated bike lane.

For a few seconds, I rode just to the left of the white line to avoid a large cluster of broken glass followed by two parked vehicles.

Quite suddenly a car pulled up beside me not two feet from my handlebars. The driver yelled out his window, "Get in the damn bike lane!"

I was jolted out of my rather pleasant regular morning ride by his angry threatening voice. A jolt of fear hit me, followed by anger. Honestly, I thought, "Why don't you try riding through broken glass and parked cars?"

Nikki Kassel

Prince George