Just heard an interview this morning with Warren Wilson regarding the school district 57 closures. I was not surprised when asked about the community of Salmon Valley he deflected and spoke about Nukko lake instead. Salmon Valley has been in a state of disconnect with all areas of government. Having lost our once vibrant curling facility and community hall to a farmers institute we now are faced with the potential loss of the community school. On paper it seems logical, why run a school with declined numbers when you can load up the city schools. The Heather Park school devastated our small schools. It makes better sense to give our kids back..let them enjoy the ability to attend school where they live free up the space required for the city children. Once these small schools close communities such as ours begin to be overlooked by potential new residents. First our curling club and hall then our school leaving the last bastion of community our
volunteer fire department which is also struggling to retain members. The people of Salmon Valley need to rise up and stand up for our community. The hardcore fighters who have kept everything running are getting tired! We need to wake up to what we are really losing here..our identity. Whether you have school age children or use the facilities yourself you must get involved. This effects your property value if nothing else. Soon we will be nothing more then a commuter community of Prince George with only memories of the once vibrant community activities to remind of us of what made this where we wanted to live and raise our families.
That is not the legacy I want for my children..my memories I want them to have the chance to make their own
Victoria Davoren
Prince George