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Shed stolen from AiMHi community garden

We had a wonderful year with our Community Garden here at AiMHi.

We had a wonderful year with our Community Garden here at AiMHi.

With the help of some great community partners (TELUS, United Way, The Kelson Group, and Sunnyday After School Care & Preschool), along with a number of interested hard working gardeners, they diligently prepared, planted, watered and weeded this community garden through the spring and summer months.

The excitement grew as we watched the vegetables grow.

We all understood that what we grew would be shared with people in the community who may not have easy access to these lovely, fresh vegetables.

Perhaps we could help the community in some small way?

As we began to plan on putting our community garden to bed for the winter we were surprised to find our little garden shed missing from the community garden.

Someone who felt they needed it more than we did had removed the shed over the weekend of Sept. 24-25.

It was just a little shed, well used, and not worth a lot of money. But it kept our tools and supplies out of the weather, and more importantly, it close to the garden for everyone; especially for those who have difficulty moving around easily.

Next spring, we will replace our little garden shed and start again.

We sincerely hope that the person(s) who felt they needed the shed more than we did will share what they grow with the community. It is truly the best feeling to share with others in a neighbourhood and a community which has been so good to us.

Melinda Heidsma

Executive director, AiMHi

Prince George