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Shame on you!

Shame on you Citizen. Two days now your front page has been more like what we'd expect from the Province or Sun newspaper, not the Citizen.

Shame on you Citizen. Two days now your front page has been more like what we'd expect from the Province or Sun newspaper, not the Citizen.

First, we see a 75-year-old citizen who is either desperate or suffering with a medical problem and you have to plaster his picture over the front page surrounded by the police after he has been caught robbing a bank.

There is another side to that story I am sure, perhaps you could find the compassion to print that one. Where are the resources to support our seniors ... mentally ill, addicted, impoverished?

There is a list of issues waiting to be addressed. You chose to humiliate a senior and his family by publishing his picture on the front page without a full explanation. Where is his right to privacy?

Secondly, we see a young man lying dead in the street in a pool of blood. Right or wrong wouldn't it be horrible to see someone you cared about on the front page displayed like that.

Is that what the family saw? What is wrong with you? Are we so desperate for the story that we need these pictures? Did your photographer come up from the Province newspaper and think we would appreciate such a great shot? I was disappointed that you would choose these two picture. Where is your heart?

I am sure I am not alone with my thoughts.

Catherine Matthews

Prince George