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Round and round

The roundabout at the end of the new Cameron Street Bridge has been in operation for many months now. However, after seeing repeated breach of protocol, it seems that the proper use of the roundabout needs to be re-stated.

The roundabout at the end of the new Cameron Street Bridge has been in operation for many months now.

However, after seeing repeated breach of protocol, it seems that the proper use of the roundabout needs to be re-stated.

The signage at all three entrances to the roundabout is all the same. The written procedure clearly states that "entering traffic must yield the right-of-way to circulating traffic," and that "a driver should apply the same caution used when approaching any yield sign."

This obviously means that the traffic coming off the bridge does not automatically have the right-of-way! Therefore, tailgating someone coming off the bridge does not mean you are exempt from having to slow down and check for other traffic.

On a daily basis, when travelling to and from work, I see near-misses and frustration because a large amount of traffic coming off the bridge either doesn't know the rules, or chooses to ignore them. Please, let's share the road in a courteous manner!

Al Kean

Prince George