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Reader is not a fan of B.C. New Democrats

The New Democrtic Party - what a laugh! NDP are really reaching for the bottom of the barrel now - reality politics. Is this the only good idea they have left. I think we are in a lot of trouble if the NDP want to run the province.

The New Democrtic Party - what a laugh!

NDP are really reaching for the bottom of the barrel now - reality politics. Is this the only good idea they have left. I think we are in a lot of trouble if the NDP want to run the province. They hire an old has been (Vander Zalm) for a big dollar to be in charge of their circus. In the '90's all they did is raise the debt, lose jobs, put our credit rating in the tank (last in north America) and chase away investment from B.C.

Let's not forget the fast ferries fiasco and all the other bogus budgets they dreamed up.

It took years for the Liberals to clean up their mess.

Their only hope of getting some seats back is to keep knocking down the Liberals. Why don't they actually try to help the province by giving some good suggestions to the government in power.

All they are doing now is tying up everyone's valuable time, leaving less time to be productive.

I think people voted for the NDP in the past to help the province be a better place. Currently they are not doing much for our province.

The economy of B.C. has been very strong over the past decade, due to tax cuts and job creation and good common sense. That is why we can weather a North American recession and remain better than the rest in North America.

Thank God the Liberals are in power, working for all British Columbians.

Peter Sherba Jr.


Westcana Electric Inc.