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Putting the donkey before the horse

We get some silly photos on our wire service, and none was funnier than the chap in the Lower Mainland who tried to squash a full-sized fridge into the trunk of his Honda Accord.

We get some silly photos on our wire service, and none was funnier than the chap in the Lower Mainland who tried to squash a full-sized fridge into the trunk of his Honda Accord.

After looking at it carefully it reminded me of some other chaps in India who put too much on the back of their cart, causing the donkey pulling it to be hoisted into the air.

After looking at the photo of the car and the fridge I expected to see the guy's wife scurrying toward the vehicle shouting "Start the car, start the car!"

In fact, I am more surprised he hadn't convinced his wife to sit on the roof and hold the fridge in the trunk.

The police explained to the driver how dangerous his actions were, "...and while there may be some humour in the situation they needed to take that someone could have been seriously injured..." blah, blah, blah.

What he should have said was, "We like to encourage people to check their spouse's medication before allowing them to transport a full-sized fridge in the trunk of their car."

Imagine the poor guy having spent two hours trying to get the fridge into the trunk, pinching his fingers every now and then all the while having to listen to passersby making comments like, "I don't think that will fit in there mate," and "It'll be a frigid day in hell before you get that in there," or "Maybe if you turn it on its side..."

Then this genius idea pops into his head. "I'll just pull the seatbelts out of the car, close the doors, attach the seatbelts to some bungee cords and that will hold it in good. The kids won't need the belts, they have those balloons we got from the PNE this morning."

Just imagine being in the car behind this guy on the road, the fridge teetering back and forth stretching the bungees to their limit only to thump back into the trunk.

However, you have to give him credit for his ingenuity and hard work.

Maybe we should hire him to run our city!

Speaking of our city council...a problem for lots of convenience stores has been the tendency for teenagers to hang around outside doing basically nothing. There are also those who hang out to bum money and harass customers as the enter and exit the premises.

To put an end to this some storers in Prince George have resorted to playing classical music on speakers outside the premises, noting that customers had seen a decline in loitering since the music started. However, it has not totally solved the problem.

So we (meaning I) here at WTF have come up with a sure-fire solution. The stores needs to play (on a continuous loop), the audio from our city council meetings. That will surely have the miscreants moving on in a hurry.

Better yet, stores should play video as well as audio from council meetings offering a total audio and visual assault on the layabouts, and as they scurry away looking for reprieve from the drone, store owners could yell at them, "If you come back I'm putting on our greatest hits collection from Don Bassermann."

But seriously, here's a suggestion for our city council to perk up the town a bit.

Let's get a street sign like the one in Flagstaff, Arizona. The electronic street sign was the victim of a prank recently when someone gained control over it, and instead of the sign warning drivers not to make a left turn at a busy intersection, it informed drivers there was a rogue panda on the rampage.

A sign of this type, along with someone who has a bit of creativity, could make our daily drives to work a little more pleasurable.

We could put stuff on it like, "Potholes are the new rage at UBCM (Union of British Columbia Municipalities) convention." "City to heat roads - no need for snow removal budget." "City has finally balanced its budget, households to pay $1 in city taxes this year." "Mayor and council take pay cut." "Council gets naked for charity calendar, zero calendars sold."

It could be a lot of fun.