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Opinion: More alarmist, short-sighted climate change talk

The science on climate change has as many detractors as alarmists, and a good reason for being skeptical is the government people are the alarmists.
Trigon's coal export terminal in Prince Rupert currently handles thermal and metallurgical coal.

Albert Koehler’s opinion article says certain energy sources will get scarce in time. “As known world fossil fuel reserves will be used up in 53 years (oil in 50 years, natural gas in 53 years and coal in 14 years).”

Actually, that appears to be a typo as the same Google search says the projected  estimate for coal is 114 years, not 14 years.

I’m a little concerned the writer tapped humans as the cause of “climate change” being responsible for GHG. The largest component of GHG is H2O in its gaseous form. The gas CO2 occupies such a narrow band of the infrared absorption band in small gap in the water vapour IR band as to make CO2 irrelevant. Further, the three-year CO2 cycle only adjusts as fast as the increase of CO2 consumption by natural processes. The world being overwhelmed by CO2 IR band absorption is a Chicken Little story that is scientifically impossible.

But, humans being relatively short lived, are easily stampeded by things beyond their sight, and three years can be the entire life time of a government in the USA, Europe or Canada.

World leaders and experts 1,000 years ago were convinced that the earth was flat, because that was as far as they could see. Anyone that disagreed was a heretic and cancelled, much the same as today.

The science on climate change has as many detractors as alarmists, and a good reason for being skeptical is the government people are the alarmists. As a body of trust, government people have their own agenda, are the shortest visionaries and least trustworthy, so that fact is not encouraging at all.

Finally, Albert makes a great point that we live in the Petroleum Age, and live like kings. Governments squander and devour, through tax and spend policies, very much guaranteeing that in the next century, as we run out of petroleum reserves, the human condition will decline dramatically and drastically. It won’t be climate change that kills off our future, it will be the alarmists in government. And the world will go on and continue to warm and cool as it has for as long as it has been a solid planet.

Lee Sexsmith

Prince George