Re: Manitoba landfill search
Manitoba Premier Wab Kinew has decided the landfill search will go ahead and Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has promised the "feds will be a partner.”
The feds have already spent $1.2 million for feasibility studies that show such a search will cost upwards of $90 million with minimal chance of success. At a time of high deficits, boil water advisories, inadequate housing, food insecurity, cutbacks to National Defense, critical repairs to infrastructure and a myriad of necessary concerns, this should not even be on the radar.
The suggestion by parties involved that if we don't do this search that "murderers will feel free to just dump bodies in landfills knowing no one will search them" is absurd. So every time some one is murdered we automatically search every landfill? What's next? Drain every lake and ocean in case some murderer decides to use them as a repository?
Some have also suggested not doing the search is racist. Hogwash! Searches for people of all ethnicities get called off all the time when manpower, resources, search conditions, financial resources, and likelihood of success are questionable. This is no different.
The federal government has no right to commit public tax dollars to this boondoggle. If it requires funding, then have the surviving family and supporters create a go fund me campaign for voluntary donations. Every political party in this country needs to stop this insanity.
Bill Thompson