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Opinion: Corporations use tax breaks to cut workers

As a taxpaying Canadian, I cannot get my head around giving tax breaks to corporations.
Fraser Lake Sawmill

A letter to the editor from a Prince George Citizen reader.

The Social Credit government was the ruling party in 1977 when Fraser Lake Sawmill was built.

At the time if I remember right, two smaller sawmills lost their timber rights and closed. Great tracks of timber became the resources of West Fraser.

The Fraser Lake Sawmill through artificial intelligence employed less personnel than did the mills that closed. It also produced more lumber. This was well known at the time.

As a taxpaying Canadian, I cannot get my head around giving tax breaks to corporations. Corporations pay taxes but at a lesser percentage than working people. During the last half of the last century, we have seen and heard of deployment of a huge number of employees who were replaced by artificial intelligence and machines.   

Stan New

Prince George