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One lousy job

Dear Minister Margeret MacDiarmid and party, I suggest you fire all the school board members and trustees in all districts for doing such a lousy job of balancing the budget with all the per-student increases you have given them.

Dear Minister Margeret MacDiarmid and party, I suggest you fire all the school board members and trustees in all districts for doing such a lousy job of balancing the budget with all the per-student increases you have given them. I mean, come on, 45 per cent of public school closed in prince George, with only 25 per cent enrolment decline, that's terrible. Not much better anywhere else in B.C. either. About a whopping 200 million for all the school districts in B.C. Wow, all those school boards having to close schools and such,even with all your increased funding. Terrible, Minister MacDiarmid, terrible. So fire 'em all and take over the helm.

And hey, enjoy your eight billion dollar Olympics

Jerry Meise

Prince George

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