It is with some surprise that I've been reading all the letters regarding homosexuality. Seems to me that people are forgetting that we have freedom of speach in our country. For now anyway. Whenever someone speaks out against this subject we have an angry backlash. Your saying that I should accept this or I'm a bigot? Well so be it, I'm a bigot and happy to stay that way. I for one do not believe homosexuality is right. There I said it. But I also do not believe that we have any right to treat those who choose this lifestyle with anything but respect. The same way I try to treat everyone regardless of who they bed with. I have every right as a Canadian citizen to my beliefs. It seems to me that the angriest people on this subject are the homosexuals themselves. Why? I'm sure I'll get an answer on that one. I've worked with homosexuals, some I've enjoyed working with because they had a great sense of humour and made me laugh, while others weighed every word I said to see they could cry biased. As far as racist, I've seen more cries of "racist" when in fact some use "racist" the same as biased. I see as much racism towards whites as I do other cultures. Give a dog a bone and he'll run with it. By the way, my children are classified as Metis, I have two beautiful blood nieces who are half black and two Jamaican adopted cousins. So you can call me a bigot, but don't call me racist.
Heather Umpherville
Prince George