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Stand up to China

March 10 is the anniversary of the Tibet Uprising in 1959, when Tibetans rose up against the Chinese occupation of their land but were severely outnumbered and slaughtered by the much stronger army of the People’s Republic of China.
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March 10 is the anniversary of the Tibet Uprising in 1959, when Tibetans rose up against the Chinese occupation of their land but were severely outnumbered and slaughtered by the much stronger army of the People’s Republic of China. 

Canada has called the abusive treatment of the Uighurs as cultural genocide, which I support, but what about Tibet? After the Tibet Uprising in 1959, thousands of Tibetans were killed and thousands more had to flee to the safety of India, many of whom never survived the arduous trek through the Himalayas. Thousands more Tibetans were killed during and after the Cultural Revolution in the 60s. Many were imprisoned and tortured. Monasteries were destroyed, sacred texts and artefacts were burned. Surely this is also cultural genocide?

Canada awarded the Dalai Lama Citizenship of Canada in 2006, but never actually did anything to protest the gross human rights violations of the People’s Republic of China against Tibetans. We have thankfully accepted many Tibetan refugees into Canada but we did nothing to stop the human rights violations, which still continue. Instead we continue to seek closer economic ties with China and allow them to take over unsustainable ventures in the tar sands. 

Canadian companies were involved in building the railroad from Beijing to Lhasa, which has facilitated mass migration of Han Chinese into Tibet, who now far outnumber Tibetans in Tibet. This railroad is also facilitating massive logging and mining in the previously pristine Tibetan plateau.

We had a duty to defend the human rights and culture of Tibetans but sadly neglected them in their time of need. We should do whatever we can to support the people of Tibet as they are still severely oppressed by their neighbour. 

Boycotting the proposed 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics should be the minimum we do to send a strong message to the oppressors.

Hilary Crowley

Summit Lake