I would like to commend the Citizen and reporter Ted Clarke on the interview with retiring Prince George RCMP Supt. Shaun Wright and thank the police commander for speaking out and telling it like it is.
I would hope the people running in the next election are listening.
Some of the comments that stuck out were “decriminalization is probably the most horrific failure of public policy” he has seen in the last three decades.
In 1993 you might see the odd drunk on the streets, but you did not see the zombies we see now.
The Knights Inn ... people have their units there and also camp out in Moccasin Flats at one time.
The province is putting in more of this type of housing, like the North Star Money Pit.
Are they not putting the business and residents in the area in harm’s way?
Wake up, Prince George. We had better start asking a lot of questions, one being do we not own the Knight Inn next door to our new swimming pool?
Helen Robertson, Prince George
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