OK, here is my take on this issue at Baldy Hughes.
First I truly am pissed at the editorial in Wednesday paper stating "Too bad we can't hear that from the clients themselves. That's because the media - and subsequently the public - has been completely shut out from the facility's initiatives despite (or because of?) the disturbing buzz surrounding its alleged mismanagement."
There is your dang answer. We all have been shut out - however that has never stopped the Prince George Citizen from pushing the issue.
So why blame our MLA for that?! There has to be a reason why three very high profiled businessmen in this community who where very strong supports all resigned! Of course they can't say a thing as all of those local wonderful business owners are unable to comment due to legal liability.
Will we ever find out what really happened out there? Oh that would be a no.
I am a very strong personal supportor of the Baldy Hughes Addiction Treatment Centre for more than three years now. Maybe if something like this centre had been available when I was a child maybe my father would be alive today. Drinking killed him.
These centres should be more readily available to support those men and women in our communities who need help to find a path to successful recovery.
Maybe the questions should be answered of the administrator for the Society Act as to the running of the centre? That would make more sense to me as a place to push.
Maybe [Baldy Hughes chair] Mr. England should be asked why he is the only person from the group of these city businessmen who is still there. Is it for the advancement of the centre?
Why does the centre have less than half of the clients today that where there in January when I was invited out for dinner. At that time I was thanked for the 78 Christmas Stockings that myself and my 35 friends as well as our MLA Shirley Bond put together for the clients.
I believe that the Prince George Citizen should be pushing Mr. England for information as he is the one that seems to be knowledgeable. He is the community link to the daily procedures and working format at Baldy Hughes?
Oh gee. Everyone else is from Vancouver - what a surprise!
That to me would make more sense that slamming our MLA.
You stated: "As the MLA and an apparent insider, Bond should be paying very close attention to this situation." How do you know that she isn't? Is it possible that She cannot make any comments due to the unsettled situation? Oh that would be too easy to say.
I know Shirley Bond cares very much about the people in this riding, and if there is anything that MLA Shirley Bond can do to make a difference, she will.
You say that the Prince George Citizen has investigative abilities - well show them - dig, dig and dig in areas that make sense, not just slam people for your perception of what you feel is the problem.
Check with the administrator, check with the one remaining board member from this community, check and push with those in charge at Baldy Hughes over and over again.
That to me would make more sense.
I like to see the positive in what we have in our community. Baldy Hughes is a positive, so push for more good news pieces more often - there are many out there.
If there is an injustice that I see it is in not completing an investigation before making statements.
Prince George is a wonderful community that has much to offer, why can't you show more positive stories on the good people and events that go on 365 days a year?
Monica Peacock
Prince George
Editor's note: Baldy Hughes's board chair and administrators have persistently refused to answer The Citizen's questions on the facility's administration and clientele numbers. Numerous attempts to contact MLA Shirley Bond on the issue has been unsuccessful except for a statement from a representative stating she cannot answer questions since she is unaware of the situation at the drug rehab centre.