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It's time to challenge HST supporters

Time to identify & boycott those business groups that launched the court challenge to the anti-HST petition.

Time to identify & boycott those business groups that launched the court challenge to the anti-HST petition. For starters, ask a business you're shopping at if they belong to either the Chamber of Commerce or the Western Convenience Stores Association (2 of the business lobby groups in the court challenge). Check out the Convenience Stores website for a place to start. Refuse to shop at stores if they're members. Vote with your wallet and maybe they will get the picture. The HST is a blatant tax shift from business to the taxpayer and over 700,000 registered voters have signed their names opposing this tax transfer. That is a significant number of current

customers who are having their democratic rights hijacked by self- serving lackeys of Gordon Campbell. While the Liberal government is indifferent to what the people want, businesses that rely on 700,000 consumption habits are in a less tenable position. They don't have 'golden parachute' pensions and appointments to boards of directors awaiting their public service demise. And let's not forget the 'fast food franchise' owned by our own MLA. After all, money talks.

Finally, do your walking at the till, leaving your intended purchases behind. Be sure you tell the shopkeeper you prefer to shop at a more

'customer friendly' store.

Tyler Lindsay

Prince George