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In Kansas the morning after

Nothing will wake a person up more than hearing that the 2016 U.S. election went to Donald J. Trump. The man who literally lied on average one time per minute at the debates won the presidential election.

Nothing will wake a person up more than hearing that the 2016 U.S. election went to Donald J. Trump.

The man who literally lied on average one time per minute at the debates won the presidential election.

The man who mocked disabled people, the man who wants to ban the people of Islam faith from the country, the man who boasted of his sexual assaults as something cool, the man that told Russia to spy on the U.S., the man who wants to build a wall between nations and stop trade, the man who can be baited on Twitter by anyone, the man that denies climate change and says that it is a plot by the Chinese, that man, that man is going to be sworn in as the president of the United States of America.

More so now than ever do I feel a disconnect from my homeland.

I realize there are elections every four years and there will be other chances to pick someone new, but it is very concerning when a population of 318 million people chose this man to be their leader with the nuclear codes.

It is strange to think that under the new president there will be harsher restrictions on immigration and a larger taskforce on illegal immigrants trying to make a better life for themselves and their family.

Fortunately, I got to eat at my favorite Mexican restaurant in my hometown twice while here.

I wonder as there is no doubt a few illegal immigrants in my hometown working in various Mexican restaurants. Will these places close, these places that so many in town frequent?

I think of my Muslim roommate I had in university, one of the most caring and fun loving people I have met.

Will people like him be banned from coming into the country due to his religious beliefs even though we are supposed to have freedom of religion?

The multicultural California is now rioting.

California, having a very large immigrant population, has had it, and for months now has been discussing an exit of the union if this election were to come to this.

Well it has, and now we may see the Calexit.

Deep down, I want to believe that this is just another election, but polls from YouGov and Huffington Post indicate that the country is more divided now that it has been in a long time.

According to Pew Research, under the Obama administration the worldview of the U.S. has largely been positive.

What the global community thinks of Trump is a different story, although Russia's Vladimir Putin has been very happy about this election and congratulated Trump.

You know, Russia, the country that discriminates against the LGBTQ community and has the laws to prove it.

Columnist Fintan O'Toole of the Irish Times wrote Wednesday: "The republic of Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln and Roosevelt is now the United Hates of America."

Per my dear ole ma, in her 20s she starting thinking Democratic instead of Republican and claims to be one the few Democratic voters in our hometown.

She added: "Back then Republicans were not like they were now. They weren't even radical like they are now. Democrats haven't changed really. They have always been for the people and meant it."

Trump's platforms seem to fit the SEK (Southeast Kansas) belief system. Especially the religious people. People are very against abortion and Trump is against that and says that Hillary is for "ripping babies out of the womb the day of delivery."

So much progress that has been made in the last eight years will now regress and the U.S. will once again become a laughing stock of the global community.

I'll enjoy my last helping of freedom fries while I laugh at the fact the Canadian immigration website crashed due to the traffic after the election results. I am sure glad I met a good looking Qubcoise in Alaska that convinced me to move to Canada many moons ago.

It was nice knowing you, America.
