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HST not good for me

Our B.C. government continually complains that they don't have enough revenue from the general public. Yet they are raking in money now with application of the HST. For example, a used car can be sold 10 times and consumers are charged HST each time.

Our B.C. government continually complains that they don't have enough revenue from the general public. Yet they are raking in money now with application of the HST. For example, a used car can be sold 10 times and consumers are charged HST each time.

Is this legal? Why is the government/politicians saying this (HST) is good for you when it is clearly not?

Where are our elected representatives to government? Their job is to represent the peoples wishes. When we have a huge issue like repealing the HST, they suddenly throw-up their hands in defeat and say they are powerless to represent us on this issue.

The public has spoken.

Even used clothing at certain second-hand stores (i.e. Value Village) charge HST when other second hand clothing stores that are charities don't have to charge HST.

Children's clothing equals HST charged to the detriment of families and children. Elderly services and needed products are also charged HST.

This clearly does not represent the poor, elderly, the ill, nor the middle class consumers.

There is apparently no transparency at the government level regarding fair taxation when the paying public are continuously told the HST is good for us.

In fact, this represents dishonest duplicity.

I, for one, am not amused. I'm certain I am not alone.

Elizabeth Starchuk

Prince George