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How will Enbridge benefit B.C. residents?

Regarding The Citizen's (online) question of the week. Do you think the economic benefits of the proposed $5.5 billion Enbridge pipeline would outweigh the environmental risks? How much of this money do you think will be spent in B.C.

Regarding The Citizen's (online) question of the week.

Do you think the economic benefits of the proposed $5.5 billion Enbridge pipeline would outweigh the environmental risks?

How much of this money do you think will be spent in B.C., by people that live in B.C.

Will the pipe be made or bought from a B..C., firm?

Will truckers from B.C., be hired to drive to where ever it is made and pick it up?

Will the architects or engineers be from B.C.?

How many workers from B.C., will be hired, or will they be brought in from Mexico, or the United States?

Doesn't sound like much of this 5.5 will be spent in B.C., or will stay in B.C., and even the clean-up crew that will be sent here to clean up the spills, that will happen. Where will they come from?

So, the question should read -- of the "$49.95 that will be spent in B.C."

Even one dead river is not worth any amount of money.

Good for you First Nations for saying no. Too long have you been taken advantage of by the greedy people. Who only want to make themselves rich, from the blood of your children.

This is not being done for the good of mankind. Its been done for money, plain and simple.

P. Cameron

Prince George