I hope Mr. Harper really meant his acceptance speech, government for all Canadians, and as one of his oft-repeated pre-election speeches suggests, he sets an example for the world.
To do this he must reveal accurate F-35 costs, meet Canada's Kyoto commitments, openly deal with torture accusations in Afghanistan, and restore veteran's pensions. Under his current plan a disabled veteran, a 22 year-old, possibly double-amputee, will receive in a lifetime, slightly more than an MP's yearly salary. Minister Cannon's and Blackburn's defeats clarify Canadians' concerns there.
He should scrap his anti-democratic plan to cut political parties' vote funding. Mr. Harper's assertion, that Canadians don't want to fund political parties may have some voter backing, but his aim is to punish 63 per cent of opposition voters.
I say this because Mr. Harper has not mentioned the tax deduction that we see every year in our tax forms under "Federal Political Party Contributions."
This probably reduces revenue far more and benefits mostly the rich.
Your editorial suggests everyone got something. Really!
The voters demanded change but a flawed electoral system merely changed a minority into a majority. Conversely it was heartening to see such hard work secure Elizabeth May a seat and Jack Layton, the only other leader to tackle a difficult question - securing Quebec's signature on the Constitution - be rewarded by voters.
Their unlikely successes result from attempts by previous governments to equalize political opportunities. Hiding candidates from open discussion, forging names on documents, and bribing governments to implement tax systems, will only increase if funding is cut.
Remember Mr. Harper, contrary to your pre-election speech, most Canadians' country was "not" always Canada and such immigrants require supports in an adopted homeland.
Next to the Aboriginals the Quebecois are the longest serving Canadians by birthright. Even your predecessor Mulroney wanted to reunify them via Meech Lake and, he also led the environmental attack on acid rain.
Seven years of minority governments is not a justifiable reason for elected officials to promote "the self interest of the few."
Alan Martin
Prince George