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Endless Trump bashing

Along with the general horror and disdain for Donald Trump previously expressed in the Citizen, Mr.

Along with the general horror and disdain for Donald Trump previously expressed in the Citizen, Mr. Godbout pointed out that a man at a Donald Trump rally had a shirt that appeared to call for the lynching of journalists and supposed that Trump rants possibly enabled such outrageous sentiments ("Are you Trumping me?" editorial, Nov. 8).

Well, I wouldn't know about that but before he was elected, there certainly was an attempt to lynch Donald Trump via the mainstream media.

For example, I got sick of watching CNN and switched the channel off because it often was about the never-ending bashing of Trump.

Other media showed the same bias, I believe.

Anything remotely wrong that he might have done was endless examined but Hillary Clinton generally got a pass, no matter what she did.

As I said, the mainstream media, including the Citizen apparently, don't want to people to know about their beloved Clintons.

Like Ronald Reagan, I expect Trump to be a much better president than the intellectio-idiot elites, especially the media, think he will be.

Paul Serup

Prince George