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Driving offences show serious flaw in system

Kudos to the Prince George Citizen's Mark Nielsen for his story on June 10 McComber history of driving offenses. Cases like this is are prime example of why our legal system is in need of a major overhaul.

Kudos to the Prince George Citizen's Mark Nielsen for his story on June 10 McComber history of driving offenses. Cases like this is are prime example of why our legal system is in need of a major overhaul. I would like to say this is unbelievable, but considering our current system, it really isn't much of a surprise. It is unfathomable to imagine the enduring pain the families that have been impacted by this person. The bigger question is: Why did the courts just give her a slap on the wrist? In my calculations a total of $2,350 was charged against her. This simply is not good enough. Why have they not taken away her license for good? What kind of impression is this leaving on the rest of society? All of these "conditional sentences" are sure a deterrent for her aren't they? If this is some kind of sick joke, I for one am not laughing.

I look forward to The Citizen continuing their investigative reports and bringing important issues like this one to the forefront. I for one, am ready for change.

Raylene Thomas

Prince George