Bruce Strachan's analysis of the HST issue is not very well informed. This issue is about a $1.8 Billion dollar tax shift from business and corporations, to consumers, an approximate $600 to $2000 yearly tax increase. To put it in perspective that is an increase in taxes of $9 billion over 5 years and $18 Billion over 10 years.
To allude that Gordon Campbell was taking the democratic route by allowing a binding referendum in Sept 2011, and thus following the legal and democratic intent of the petition is false. Firstly the Liberals had two choices, they could have allowed the petition to go to the legislature for a free vote, or they could have allowed it to go back to Elections BC for a referendum. They chose the latter. Not because if was the right thing to do, but because it was the route that would cause them (they thought) the least political distress. Changing the referendem threshold to a simple majority was necessary to make it palatable. Not having the issue settled in the Legislature was also to avoid re-calls. The avoidance of re-calls and going the referendum route would allow them time to convince BC Voters that this is a good tax. It would also delay dealing with the issue well into 2012.
Lets see if what has transpired to date has any semblance of being democratic. 1. The tax was created behind closed doors, by the Premier, and Colin Hansen. 2. It was passed by an Order in Council. 3. Our duly elected MLA's were advised that they would have to support the tax, and that it would not be debated in the Legislature. 4. The recinding of the 7% PST was passed with little discussion, and in fact closure was used to stop debate.
Where are we now. While we will in fact have a referendum that is binding on the Government which is good,, Campbell has no intention of opening up the Election Act and making this legal. He says Trust me. The Government will not make any rebates to tax payers as outlined in the legislation, and in fact stated they would not pass Vanderzalms bill. If they do not pass the bill then in effect they would not be required to re-instate the tax system which was in place in June of 2010. This requirement is presently in the legislation. So in effect they have emasculated the petition so that they can find another way to maintain this tax. That's why we have to go to recall. Trust me.
Eric Allen
Prince George