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Biosolids stink

Yes, the biosolids are being delivered and sprayed in the area off Patterson Rd. in Red Rock, despite the wishes of the people living there. The odour is so bad for anyone near, it can cause headaches.

Yes, the biosolids are being delivered and sprayed in the area off Patterson Rd. in Red Rock, despite the wishes of the people living there.

The odour is so bad for anyone near, it can cause headaches. Contractors working on the road have also commented on terrific odour. We were under the impression that the biosolids had to sit for a time before being sprayed?

I would like to invite our mayor and those who forced this upon us to take a Sunday drive to the spot or to dump some on their lawns as fertilizer.

The people in Saanich and Victoria put a stop to it there. People in Nova Scotia and other places are in the process of stopping it, but here in Prince George, we are told it will be done.

There are many areas better suited that are not near residences or creeks.

We will see the results in the future and we can only hope that the health of people and animals are not affected.

Anne Crawford

Prince George