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A mother shares her pain

As a mother who lost a son to a violent murder here in Prince George, I am extremely disappointed and distraught for the loved ones who had to see their son on the front page of The Citizen.

As a mother who lost a son to a violent murder here in Prince George, I am extremely disappointed and distraught for the loved ones who had to see their son on the front page of The Citizen.

I live my son's death every day and would have been devastated to see his body on the front page of the newspaper. I cannot believe what would possess any person to think that it is OK to print this photo, which is a total disregard to the deceased.

It is disrespectful, not only to the grieving family, but to the poor soul who is now gone from this world as we know it. It doesn't get any more real than that.

As usual, my faith in people in general is questioned, when it comes to how these victims and their families are treated.

A lot of "citizens" who judge victims, show a total lack of respect and dignity to the deceased, which is a staunch reminder to me, of what kind of world we live in.

So many are so quick to judge and think they know it all. I guess I am happy they are untouched by the outside world and everything is so perfect.

I would like them to relive the past two years of my world to give them some insight. I am deeply saddened that another young person's life is cut short without all the many possibilities he may have had. My heart and prayers go out to this young man's family and friends.

Colleen McComb

Prince George