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Role reversal: fans hunted down Mantracker

Never underestimate the popularity of a rough-and-tumble celebrity when they come to P.G.

Never underestimate the popularity of a rough-and-tumble celebrity when they come to P.G.

More than 1,800 people got photos and autographs when Mantracker, Terry Grant, made an appearance at Prince George Motors but about 1,000 people were turned away.

Garth Miller of Prince George Motors said he was not prepared for the amount of people lining up to meet Mantracker.

PG Motors brought the OLN television star to Prince George for a fundraising event where proceeds went to operating costs of the Connaught Youth Centre. It takes about $60,000 to run the place each year.

Miller said he would've been happy with a total of $5,000 but so far there's $15,000 in the coffers and there's more to come as a slicker and hat autographed by Terry Grant are auctioned off.

"So far I've got a $900 bid on the slicker and the hat is at $400," said Miller.

People could donate to the cause at the car dealership and others donated by sponsoring tickets to a Mantracker talk for Cadets. The event was held at the youth centre right after the meet and greet at PG Motors.