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Prince George’s Mayor Lyn Hall declares Santa Claus an essential worker

Santa Claus has been vaccinated against COVID-19, cleared to travel to Prince George
Santa Claus with mask
Santa Claus getting ready for the big day

Santa Claus is officially welcome to visit Prince George this Christmas Eve (Dec. 24).

At Monday night’s city council meeting (Dec. 21), Mayor Lyn Hall tabled a special resolution to declare Santa and Mrs. Claus essential workers.

“As has been said many times 2020 has been a tough year but there have been some positive things happen in 2020 as well nevertheless I want to make sure Christmas is much brighter start to look forward to for everyone,” said Mayor Lyn Hall.

“Something that is very important that I want to do this evening is to ensure that we are going to have a visit by Santa Claus.”

The current provincial health orders, which are in place until at least Jan. 8, 2021, discourage anyone who is not an essential worker from traveling within the province.

At the end of the meeting, Mayor Lyn Hall brought forward the following resolution:

Whereas the city of Prince George recognizes the importance of the visit by Santa Claus each year and is important to all members of the community and whereas having confirmed that Santa is immune to COVID-19 and has been immunized against it, be it resolved that the Mayor and Council for the City of Prince George declares Mr. and Mrs. Claus to be essential workers to all citizens both young and old of Prince George.

And further that the Mayor writes Santa Claus an issuing advisory indicating Mr. and Mrs. Claus status as essential workers to all residents of Prince George and that all residents of Prince George are encouraged to spread goodwill, kindness and best wishes to everyone they encounter this holiday season especially to all essential and frontline workers.

Mayor Hall said this resolution will ensure that Santa Claus can travel safely to the city this Christmas Eve.

“He doesn’t have to worry about the travel restrictions coming to Prince George given this resolution this evening,” said Hall.

The resolution was passed unanimously by council.