The city of Prince George is now 108 years old. The city of Prince George was incorporated on March 6, 1915.
To celebrate the city is sharing a number of historical facts about Prince George’s early days on its social media.
In 1915 the city was only bout five square kilometres in size. It encompassed the downtown area and parts of the Crescents and Millar addition. Today, the land area is 6309 per cent larger at 329 square kilometres.
The city’s first Mayor was W.G. Gillet who served as mayor in 1915 and 1916 and is the namesake of Gillet Street.
The city hall we know today opened in 1967 but the first City Hall was a built in 1918. It had a wooden footbridge and a staging area where band and entertainment would perform.
You can learn more about the city's history here.