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Forest professionals hosting essay contest

The Association of B.C. Forest Professionals (ABCFP) is holding an essay contest to encourage young people to celebrate National Forest Week and the International Year of the Forest.

The Association of B.C. Forest Professionals (ABCFP) is holding an essay contest to encourage young people to celebrate National Forest Week and the International Year of the Forest.

The contest is open to students aged 13 to 18 and carries a top prize of $300 as well as two runner-up prizes of $150 each.

Entrants are invited to write a short essay about what the forest means to them or to the province of B.C. They might choose to write about recreational opportunities, the environment, the economic benefits or the cultural aspects of the forests or a combination of these factors.

ABCFP also is offering free subscriptions to its START program designed to give high school and post-secondary students a head START on their way to becoming forest professionals. Subscribers receive the ABCFP's magazine, B.C. Forest Professional, and the e-newsletter, The Increment, in addition to getting a discount on some association training events such as the annual conference.

For the younger people, ABCFP is also holding an art contest for children ages 4-12.

The entry deadline for both contests is Oct. 21.

For more information, visit the ABCFP website,, click on "about us" then "news and events" and then national forest week.