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CNC Dental Clinic's Seal in a Smile project a beaming success

Program provides dental care to 180 Prince George kids who otherwise might not have it
CNC dental assisting student April Dong, 30. works on sealing the teeth of seven-year-old Ron Brent Elementary student Curtis Morrison, part of the Seal in a Smile program at CNC Dental Clinic Wednesday. Seal in a Smile allows dental students to get work experience as well as providing positive and beneficial dental care to children who might not have otherwise had that opportunity. Dong came to Prince George from Vancouver to take the 10-month Dental Assisting program at CNC and will be graduating from the course in June.

Seal in a Smile has been held at the College of New Caledonia (CNC) Dental Clinic for more than 20 years, bringing dental care to children in Prince George who might not otherwise be able to access it, while providing experience to dental assisting students.

This year, Ron Brent Elementary School was selected to receive the program, sponsored and administered by Northern Health, CNC and Spirit of the North Healthcare Foundation.

About 180 students were granted consent to attend the program. Northern Health registered dental hygienist Jaskiran King stressed the importance of regular oral health care and how the Seal in a Smile program helps deliver that care while giving kids a positive dental experience at the CNC Dental Clinic.

“The Northern Health dental team focuses on prevention and the importance of regular oral health care and its impact on the overall health and well-being of the children,” King said. “The Seal in a Smile Program is one aspect on how Northern Health dental delivers that care for the children in our community.”

The dental sealants the children receive are thin coatings, that when applied on the chewing surfaces of the back teeth, can prevent cavities for many years. Applying the sealants is valuable experience for the CNC students, allowing them to get used to applying the procedure as well as learning to work with children of different ages and getting them used to dental care.