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Charming singer songwriter at Art Space

World travelling singer songwriter Martyn Joseph went to get his hair cut in Victoria the other day mid-tour.

World travelling singer songwriter Martyn Joseph went to get his hair cut in Victoria the other day mid-tour.

When he started to chat with the hairdresser, another young lady came over to him and told him she had seen him perform in Prince George ten years ago. That was nice, he thought.

The next day Joseph gets on the phone for his interview with The Citizen and the reporter tells him she has never forgotten what she was told about Joseph ten years ago by her friend Maureen Washington (Schultz at the time).

"This incredible singer/songwriter, Martyn Joseph, is so talented that he seduced the whole audience," said Washington.

When Joseph heard that he told the reporter about the young lady. It was 19-year-old Emily Schultz, Washington's daughter that approached him at the hair salon. Emily had been at that show with her mom that night ten years ago. Wow. What a coincidence.

Joseph will be taking the stage at Art Space Wednesday and Thursday as part of the Apres Coldsnap.