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Community Arts Council introduces schools to artists

Four local artists are passing along knowledge in a hands-on way in 10 classes in School District 57.

Four local artists are passing along knowledge in a hands-on way in 10 classes in School District 57.

Artists in the Schools is a project developed by the Community Arts Council of Prince George and District to complement and expand on arts programming within the school district.

Leanna Carlson, a member of the Potter's Guild, is an artist who will share her knowledge of organic designs, handmade glazes and the use of clay from the Fraser River.

Carlson will provide kindergarten through Grade 7 students a course in building either clay and nail animals or small faces. She will also be instructing the teacher in the use of the school kiln to encourage further artistic endeavours.

Andrea Shauer is an artist and graduate of UNBC who is looking to further her career in art therapy. She will be using collage pizzas to teach kindergarten through Grade 4 students about the colour wheel as well as exploring recycled and mixed media by making cardboard robots.

Carol Skulmoski is involved in the arts in Mackenzie and will be offering instruction on how to create paper quilling, papier mache and macrame key rings to Grades 5 to 7 students.

Ron Clemmons is the president of the Woodturner's Guild and an active woodturner. He will be offering Grade 8 to 12 students a course in wood turning, wood identification and characteristics as well as in-shop care and safety.

Artists in the Schools began in 2005 and peaked in 2008 with 11 artists going to 38 classes.

"We funded this year's program ourselves because we feel it is so very important to give children the opportunity to learn about art outside of the mainstream school instruction," said community arts council rep, Crystie Tarr.