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Case of COVID-19 confirmed in Revelstoke

(via Tourism Revelstoke)

While B.C.'s Ministry of Health won't disclose the locations of the seven COVID-19 cases in the Interior Health region, a clinic has confirmed that one of the patients is in Revelstoke.

On Tuesday, Revelstoke clinic Selkirk Medical Group announced there has been a positive COVID-19 test in the small mountain town. The case is believed to have been connected to international travel.

This announcement comes after a tourist who had been skiing at Selkirk Tangiers Heli Skiing earlier this month was recently diagnosed with the virus after returning to their country, possibly exposing the virus to others while in B.C. Selkirk Medical Group says the confirmed Revelstoke case is unrelated to the heli-skiing case.

“As directed by Provincial Health Officer Dr. Bonnie Henry, all contact and exposure tracing has been completed, all isolation protocols followed. At this time there is no evidence of in-community transmission, as this was related to international travel,” the clinic posted to Facebook.

“Because this is a pandemic, it is reasonable to expect more COVID-19 cases in our town. Cases are increasing across the province.”

The Revelstoke case is one of seven cases across the Interior Health region, although it's unclear where the other patients are located.

The Ministry of Health has consistently said they will not release any detailed information about where COVID-19 patients reside, due to privacy concerns.

“We will not be identifying the specific location of confirmed cases unless public health providers cannot be certain they have reached all those who need to be contacted and who therefor might be a risk to the public,” provincial health officer Dr. Bonnie Henry said in a statement.

— Nicholas Johansen, Castanet